12 June 2021

Ahead of the new normal era due to the covid-19 pandemic, many companies should be aware of changes to various forms of their corporate strategy. Therefore, in this discussion forum Santi Talk raised a theme that is “NEW NORMAL, NEW INTERNAL COMMUNICATION STRATEGY? THE IMPORTANT ROLE OF INTERNAL COMMUNICATION IN THE COMPANY’S EFFORTS TO DEAL WITH THE CHANGING TIMES”. There were several speakers such as Niken Racmad, and Imron Zuhri as speakers this time.
In a discussion forum with Santi Talk this time, Niken Racmad explained his material about the huge changes in the era of pademi covid-19 as it is today. One way to keep going, then the basis is to keep up with the times by continuing to innovate. He also said that communication is not just what we discuss when there is a problem that arises, but this communication is what we should often do to come up with a way out and innovation. Even from this communication will appear a variety of ideas, both from the bottom and the top.
In its own contribution, communication can convey information smoothly by individuals who are capable of managing it. Then this culture of dialogue is one of the most powerful directions for resolving a conflict. Basically this internal communication is more important from different sides.
On the other hand, the next speaker Imron Zuhri expressed some of his opinions about the company’s efforts in dealing with the changing times. Imran argues that Employee participant and Continues Learning can be supported objectively in the company so that the company can survive. Both things must be entered and communicated, stored in order to know what to do until the completion. Then the understanding of communication channels should also need to be improved in accordance with the era of global digitalization.
In addition, the benefits of internal horizontal communication are cutting decisions, making people more productive and effective in time, reducing the risk of failure or delay. On the other hand, in terms of its own negativity where leadership is needed it leads to anxiety and insecurity about who is truly responsible. Then when the situation needs to happen, and silo approach to provide individual interpretation and business strategy of bidding.