01 July 2021

Millennials, Digital Literacy Modern Generation, What about Their Mental Health

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Hospital of Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) Campus C held a webinar for the EXPERT TALK program on Wednesday, June 30, 2021. This time the webinar came with the topic, 101 MILLER NEAL’S MENTAL HEALTH. Present as speakers were Dimas Aryo Wicaksono as UNAIR Faculty of Psychology Lecturer, Damba Bestari as Mental Medicine Specialist at UNAIR Hospital, Lintang Elin Massita as UNAIR 2021 Ambassador, and Firman Syauqi MHS as FK UNAIR 2020 Ambassador. 


As a welcome speech, Prof. Nasrodin as the Director of UNAIR Hospital also said a little about millennials who will take an important role in the nation in the future. Indonesia has a variety of islands with a large population. Indonesia also has a large youth demographic bonus of 70-90 million. In addition, he mentioned UNAIR Hospital as an innovation center for young people, which is not only in the health sector but also makes UNAIR Hospital another object. One of them is hospital tourism, micro media center, robotic development, and craniofacial reconstruction. 


Meanwhile, Damba argues that mental disorders are rarely found was a myth. One in four people in the world suffers from a mental disorder. There is no difference between introverts and extroverts on susceptibility to mental disorders. The need for friends or other people to tell about the problems experienced is a way to increase mental immunity against mental disorders. Damba also stated that humans are still said to be mentally healthy if they still have a purpose in life. How humans can adapt to changing conditions is an event to maintain mental health. 


  Regarding the millennial and Z generations, Dimas argues that in the work environment, the two generations are considered by the previous generation as less committed, often changing jobs, and difficult to manage. But in reality, both generations suffer from a serious mental burden, coupled with poor sleep quality. “Especially during a pandemic like now, the millennial generation is more depressed due to the issue of recession, the collapse of the job market, etc. In addition, career pressure also adds to the stress of the millennial generation,” said Dimas.



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