28 December 2021

EXPERT TALK : HEALTHY INNOVATION ” The Role of Biotechnology in the Health Sector”

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Biotrchonology is a broad area of biology, involving the use of living systems and organisms to develop or make products. biotechnology has expanded to include new and diverse sciences, such as genomics, recombinant gene techniques, applied immunology, and development of pharmaceutical therapies and diagnostic tests.


In the Expert talk event on November 23, 2021, with the theme The Role of Biotechnology in the Health Sector, dr. Teddy Apriawan, Sp.BS(K) (Unair Hospital Innovation and Development Manager) explained how hospital innovation in the use of biomedical or technology-based started from the history of penicillin as the beginning of biomedical innovation. Then in the same event Dr. Alexander Patera Nugraha, drg., M.Imun Lecturer (Department of Orthodontics, Faculty of Dentistry UNAIR) in the same ivent explained the potential of biotechnology, especially stem cells in tooth remodeling. Furthermore, the webinar was then closed with the presentation of AF Pandhu Hadiwinata (Traditional Health Workers) with innovative material on the application of biotechnology for a healthy body, where biotechnology such as yogurt and kevir fermentation can nourish the body.



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