16 February 2022
BNSP Certification : Education and Managerial Training Facilitator
BNSP Certification: Education and Managerial Training Facilitator One of the important components of training activities is the presence of a facilitator. Success of a training is largely determined by the level of professionalism of the facilitator. Professional facilitators have competence or teaching abilities and excellent facilitation skills in the learning/training process. Competent facilitators are able to create a conducive and effective learning environment and are able to manage classes and bring trainees to achieve optimal learning outcomes. The competence of the facilitator is very important to ensure the quality of the training implementation in accordance with the expectations and needs of the participants.
HR 24/7 in collaboration with the Indonesian Management Forum (FMI) East Java Regional Coordinator will hold Training and National Certification of Educational and Managerial Training Facilitators licensed by the National Professional Certification Agency (BNSP) with a training schedule (online) on 20-22 April 2022 and Certification (face-to-face) in Surabaya on 28 April 2022. Register now and meet the best mentors while developing your network via https://bit.ly/PSDM_10C.